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Контрольная работа

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Код работы: 24938
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Тип: Контрольная
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Цена: 290 руб.
Просмотров: 7153
Уникальность: В пределах нормы. При необходимости можно повысить оригинальность текста
Содержание: Lecture 6.5.: Energy metabolism 3
6.7. Elimination. Physiology of renal system 8
Список используемых источников 24
Отрывок: Lecture 6.5.: Energy metabolism
Metabolism and energy are related. Metabolism is accompanied by energy transduction (chemical, mechanical, electrical in thermal), i.e. a final form of energy transduction is the heat. Unlike machines, we don’t transform the thermal energy into other types (like an engine). We give off it as the end product of metabolism in the environment.
The amount of heat generated by a living body is proportional metabolic rate.
It follows, that:
1. By amount of heat generated by the body, it’s possible to estimate the intensity of metabolic processes.
2. The amount of the release energy should be compensated for account of the chemical energy intake from food (c. to calculate the proper human diet).
3. The energy metabolism is an integral part of the thermoregulation processes.
As the thermal energy is equivalent to the chemical energy, which transforms in a body, the energy metabolism intensity is accepted to estimate the thermal energy units - Joules (in the International System of Units - SI) or calories: 1 kcal = 4.19 kJ.
The energy of food is the amount of energy released during the burnout (or absolute combustion) 1 g of substance.
For fats is 9.3 kcal; for proteins and carbohydrates - 4,1 kcal.
Factors that determine the intensity of energy metabolism:
1. The state of the environment
Energy metabolism is minimal in the so called "Comfort zone":
- temperature (+ 18-22 оС)
- humidity (60-80%),
- wind speed (not more than 5 m / s)
- the atmospheric composition (21% O2, 0.03% CO2, 79% N2).
The deviation from the "comfort zone" on either side increases metabolism, consequently and the amount of generated heat.

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